Semester overviews
Please click on the links below for details on what students are learning this semester:
Prep Curriculum Overview 2025.pdf
Year 1 Curriculum Overview 2025.pdf
Year 2 Curriculum Overview 2025.pdf
Year 3 Curriculum Overview 2025.pdf
Year 4 Curriculum Overview 2025.pdf
Year 5 Curriculum Overview 2025.pdf
Year 6 Curriculum Overview 2025.pdf
Assessment and reporting
Assessment is closely linked with teaching and feedback to students. Teachers complete a number of assessment activities in each Key Learning Area throughout the semester. The assessments take the form of diagnostic tasks to pinpoint student understanding in the areas of reading, spelling, maths and learning, and unit task assessments. The assessments undertaken throughout the semester contributes to the results recorded in the school reporting to parents conducted twice per year in July and December.
Students in Years 3 and 5 participate in the national Testing Program in May of each year in the areas of Reading, Writing, Language Conventions, and Mathematics. Data from these tests is used to inform school curriculum review and planning periods. Parents receive a report about their child’s progress in the NAPLAN assessment in early September.