


​​​​​​​​​​​​​Algester State School P&C Association

Algester State School P&C Association  

What is the Algester SS P&C? 

A group of parents and citizens coming together to support the welfare and education of their children. The group is made up of people who want to know more about the school, have their say, be heard, and decide on important issues and activities during the school year. 


What value does it offer? 

The P&C raise money each year to pay for much needed aspects of your child’s education and environment; like books, mental health support, sporting equipment, Yr 6 graduation, Prep activities, classroom furniture, learning resources (class equipment), infrastructure (shade), cultural programs, chaplaincy program, Principal’s Afternoon Tea, Teaching Staff Appreciation Days, new playgrounds, and vulnerability initiatives (Rise Program).  


How does it deliver student services? 

An executive team (volunteers) support a small team of employees to deliver the following services each year;​

Algester Tuckshop​​​​Algester Uniform ShopFundraising Events​
Community PartnershipsCommunity EventsCommunication to Parents

  • Click on the service above (Tuckshop, Uniform Shop and Events) for opening times, location, menu items, events, and activities.  

What do I have to do? 

You can be involved as little or as much as you like, the important thing is that you can stay across what is happening and you can contribute towards building a positive environment for your children.   


If you want to be in the know about your school and its activities, this is how: 

Become a member - Website: |  Email:  | Phone: (07) 3712 5111   


P&C General Meetings 

We host (online and in person) on the THIRD Tuesday of the month during the year to report on project and activity progress, make decisions, and offer opinions and feedback into the school’s activities. To become a member and have your say, or receive the latest information on activities complete your membership form. Note: Algester P&C AGM is on the third Tuesday of March each year.



Raising funds for our student’s education and positive learning environment is managed by a Fundraising and Events Officer and a LOT of volunteers. A list of our annual events are here


We are currently raising funding for;

  • shade at the ‘Stop, Drop & Go’ area, across the main walkways, and the Prep playground 
  • more chilled water bubblers 
  • wellbeing programs to support and enhance our student’s learning environment.    


We welcome new volunteers to assist our students so they can enjoy themselves and always remain safe during activities. Our Fundraising and Event Officer is excited to meet you… complete our volunteer form for 2025 or email:  


Algester Tuckshop 

Your school Tuckshop is managed by a Tuckshop Convenor and volunteers.  

  • the Tuckshop operates 5 day per-week thanks to our volunteers 
  • lunch and snack orders are made online through Munch Monitor (delivered to the classroom) 

A Munch Monitor account (adult) is required for online ordering: username = algesterss > password = munch4115. Follow the prompts to set up your account, once complete you will be able to set up your child/ren’s account.  


To keep running our menu and open times for students we welcome new volunteers to help with our easy tasks - no cooking required! Here is more information on the menu, ordering, birthdays, and to set up your account.  

If you can lend a hand, our Tuckshop Convenor would be so grateful, complete our volunteer form for 2025or email:

Algester Uniform Shop 

Your Uniform Shop is managed by a Uniform Shop Convenor. Algester offers;  

  • retail shop to try on or view items (payments via EFTPOS or Munch Monitor, no cash) 
  • online ordering and delivery to classroom option (ordering via Munch Monitor) 


A Munch Monitor account (adult) is required for ordering uniforms online: username = algesterss > password = munch4115. Follow the prompts to set up your account, once complete you will be able to set up your child/ren’s account. 


Individual items and uniform ‘packs’ available for you to purchase are listed on the Algester SS P&C website, including Music uniform packs, Prep packs, and Senior Shirts.  


The Uniform Shop location, opening times, maps and videos to find us are here, or email:  All students must adhere to the Algester State School Uniform Dress Code.  


More Information on Algester SS P&C 

To contact us directly, you are welcome to email us, our details are listed on the Algester SS P&C website 

Last reviewed 23 February 2025
Last updated 23 February 2025