Algester State School tuckshop information
Our Tuckshop is operated by a P&C paid Convenor and supported by volunteer parents who work on a roster either weekly, fortnightly or monthly. Our school offers a 5 day a week tuckshop where you order food online as part of the Munchies program for all children from Prep to Year 6.
To order online go to the Munchmonitor website.
1. Enter Username: algesterss
2. Enter Password: munch4115
3. Click on Sign Up
4. Follow the prompts
Tuckshop volunteers are required from 9.00am to 11.00am. Even an hour of your time is greatly appreciated. As an incentive we offer you tea and coffee. To involve yourself in the Tuckshop is rewarding to both you and your child and all money raised goes back into the school community. If you can help, please contact the Convenor in the Tuckshop on 3712 5125. (direct line).
From 2019, the school Tuckshop is cashless. Accounts must be set up using the above system and debited via orders or small across the counter transfers.