
Parent teacher communication


​Open communication

Our teachers are dedicated professionals who endeavour to do their very best for your child. ​Please meet your child's teacher and inform them of any considerations for your child. Take an interest in your child's work and discuss it with the class teacher. Please make an appointment if you need to speak to the class teacher as this ensures the most effective use is made of the available time.

The department of education values members of our community communicating collaboratively and positively to ensure we come together under the motto of Your child, our student. One team. Link to Parent and Community Code of Conduct


Keep up to date with our official communication App, SchoolStream for information, calendar dates and news for current parents and community members.  Please click on link below for information on how to install and run this App on your mobile device:

Instructions on how to download and install SchoolStream


SchoolStream is available via a live web feed for those people who do not have access to a smart phone.  The access is below:

School Stream Live Web App (If you are asked for a usercode it is: algesterss)

Parent​ Meet and Greet

In the first few weeks of the school year, parents/caregivers are invited to meet the teachers of their child and learn about classroom procedures, the curriculum for the year and general year level information.

This session is not an opportunity to have a one-on-one discussion with the class teacher.


Term 1 and Term 3 - Parent interviews - oral

Parent Interviews will be scheduled at the end the term.  Parent interviews are an integral part of building the home-school partnership to support your child's learning.  Bookings for interviews are made online via SOBS. Information will be sent out when the booking round is open. Please click here to find out how to use SOBS.

Term 2 and Term 4 - School reports - written

In accordance with departmental guidelines written reports are issued at the end of each semester. Written reports will be emailed to parents.


All classes at Algester State School, use Seesaw for students to upload work and send announcements to students and families. At the start of every year, teachers will send out an invitation for you to join Seesaw Family to view your child/ren's work. Families are encouraged to engage Seesaw Family by:

  • liking / commenting on your child/ren's work
  • talking with your child/ren about the work that they uploaded
  • extend their learning at home from what they uploaded
  • message teachers

​​Classroo​m notes

Class and information notes are written on specific topics and will go home at different times through the year. Please ensure your child understands the importance of passing these notes to you.


Parents are provided with their child's teacher's email address. The policy for use of email is that teachers will respond to the email within two working days. Any urgent communication should be forwarded through the school office. Any email enquiries can be directed to:​

Principal's Community Update​

A fortnightly Principal's Community Update is emailed and shared on SchoolStream to all parents/caregivers. 

Calendar Dates fo​​r school events

School dates are now logged on the events calendar​ included within this website.

Schoo​​l Procedures and Information

Link to the school 2025 Parent Handbook with information on the school policies and procedures.

Assembl​y days

All parents are invited to join us for school assemblies.  These are advertised in the events calendar and occur 3 times a term.

Sharing inf​ormation​

Events in family life such as a major illness, visits of significant relatives, accidents, and the death of close relatives, friends or pets can cause major concern or change in the behaviour of your child. Please share this information with your child’s teacher so that they may best support your child if needed.

Last reviewed 26 February 2025
Last updated 26 February 2025