Excursions, incursions and camps general information
From time to time educational activities are organised to reinforce work undertaken at school. For these excursions etc., students are expected to meet the cost of transport and admission fees. No student is permitted to participate without the written consent of parents. Detailed information is forwarded home at appropriate times throughout the year.
School camping program
At Algester State School we have a camping program that begins in Year 4 and continues each year until year 6. The camping program is linked to the curriculum that is delivered in each year level and is designed to build on the skills acquired in the previous year.
Year 4 camp
In Year 4 the students participate in a 2 day camp in Term 3 at Kindilan in Mt Cotton.
Year 5 camp
In Year 5 the students participate in a 3 day camp at Emu Gully, Helidon.
Year 6 camp
In Year 6 the students participate in a 3 day camp at Maroochydore Waterfront Camp in Term 2.